Ruth Ikegah's work for How to list jobs on NewComma

How to list jobs on NewComma

NewComma is valuable for businesses, brands, and organisations seeking to tap into a rich pool of pan-African creative talent.

October 31, 2023


Are you looking to showcase your talents, skills, and achievements in a captivating online portfolio without breaking the bank?

NewComma is valuable for businesses, brands, and organisations seeking to tap into a rich pool of pan-African creative talent. Whether you're looking for a unique artistic perspective for your next project, seeking to fill a specific role within your organisation, or aiming to collaborate with innovative and skilled creatives, NewComma provides a direct link to a diverse and talented community.

To get started, you click on “Post a Job”. You can find this in the nav bar, or on the Job Board home page.

Select the company page you would like to post the opportunity from, and add in all the relevant information for the listing. The more detailed your description is, the more applicants you will attract.

Next, select the application method for your listing. Doing so directly via NewComma gives you access to our streamlined Applicant Tracking System, where you can review, assess and shortlist all of your applications in one place.

If you simply need NewComma to boost an existing listing you have somewhere else, select the “Apply Via External Link” option.

To ensure you are receiving applications that include extensive detail, you can add some screening questions. This can give you a fair sense of what to expect from the applicants at the interview stage ahead of scheduling it.

Finally, select a duration for your listing. This will determine how long your opportunity will stay open on the Job Board for potential candidates to apply to.

Complete your payment, and you’re all done!